Buffalo Chip National TT

Sunday is a big day at the rally.  I rode to Whitewood for breakfast, then a walk through the swap meet, The FXR Show . . . then I went and parked by the factory teams and got ready for the race later in the evening.  I parked by Jeffrey Carver(Indian) and had a good chat with Rick Canode and his rider "Bugs" Pearson.  Some of these teams definitely have some deep pockets !

Practice was a muddy, sticky mess for a few laps due to the heavy early afternoon rain shower.
I was rootin' for Carver or Pearson to win since they were pretty cool and offered me water, etc. - and I've watched both these guys come up through the ranks, and followed them through their racing careers. 
After race practice and a couple singles qualifiers - and took a break and ran up to Crossroads again to see one of my favorite bands . . . The Supersuckers !  It was a rockin' good time - and the $2 PBRs helped matters.  Met some nice people, convinced a group of 20+ to go to the races - and saw them there later . . . "You're Welcome" American Flat Track Series....
They played their entire greatest hits record (which is what ya want) and they still sound great after all these years.  Now I'm really fired up . . . so back to the races where George Wills and Eric & Jennifer Bass saved me a great spot on the top of the bleachers . . . The most exciting race here yet - search: Fans Choice Buffalo Chip TT (or You Tube) for the race replay . .
#95 JD Beach didn't give up . . . he widened his gap on #17 Wiles and #14 Bauman and continued the charge to the front, eventually passing leader/teammate #5 Jake Johnson for the win - in the about the last five feet before the flag.  The place went nuts !

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