Michael Lichter's "What's The Skinny" Show

A good place to meet up with all your bros . . . see what's goin' on the rest of the week.  The motorcycles in the show are some of the best builds of rally week. 
Above:  This custom was built by Dave Perewitz and took home top honors at the 2nd big custom show ever held at Daytona Beach.  Arlen won the 1st year of the show, the year before . . .
Jordan's bike (back from Germany) is one of my favorites . . .
 and being an "engine guy" this show had an incredible group of tricked out mills . . . wow !

Lots of great artwork adorns the walls . . . all the while each builder is interviewed by Lichter himself on each box (with their build or art).  Servers with tray of fancy finger foods are paraded around just like a real show opening.  Very professional, and good times had by all . . . !



  1. Great pics Noot, 44 only way to go as far as I'm concerned.

  2. You know damn well that chick in the leather and the bubble shield is waiting for a flat bed to drag that XR1000 somewhere because it quit.


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