If You're Reading This....

....It indicates you are HOME.  Stay at home.  Don't make any unneeded trips to the grocery story, gas station, stay away from your friends . . . just stay away.  THINK before you travel.  If you are in an area where there is no virus, it's coming for you.  No place is immune to this.

I'm doing my part 100%.

- Washing my hands properly with hot soapy water for 30 secs.

- Washing outside door handles and mailbox with bleach mixture

- Spraying all counter tops in my home
(and letting sit for 10 minutes)
...then drying off
 (I save the towel to use with bleach later outside, then throw it)

-Take a hot shower everyday
-Wash Your Towels

-Keep the TV off !  (watch local news once a day)

-Read a book, or all those old magazines

Take a nap.

- Play games, Work in garage, Look at your bike(s)

View blogs/instagrams

-Exercise in your home: Do stretching.  Lift Weights

- Jump rope in your driveway

- Eat the right foods (don't over eat)

- Calm your nerves

-Clean out your tool box, closets, chest of drawers

- Vacuum, dust, wash windows, clean bathroom

Just stay home if you can - Stay away from everyone at work.

Reinforce it - Stay away from me - Thank you !

No disrespect - If I'm sick, I don't want you to get it . . .

I don't want to lose a single NOOT blog follower or family member
due to carelessness . . .

No Italians, No Japanese, No Swedes, No Finns, No Germans,
No Brits, No Aussies, No Kiwis, No Canadians, No Mexicans,
No Brazilians, No Hawaiians, No Spanish,
and even No Russians....
and especially No Americans !
(if I left someone out, I apologize)

I love you all - Now practice it !

-Respectfully and Good Luck  -Noot

Bushings Over Needle Bearings

1952 K Model Case RIGHT Case.  
- Lower repair (by Crooks Motorsports)
-New Oil Pump Studs
- Blasting (by Gelner)
- Washing and Blow Drying (by Noot)

Jerry Branch Ported Cylinder Heads

I keep viewing ironhead Sportster heads on Ebay - and the seller describes them as "Branch heads" and they aren't...not even close.  Branch heads (at least all the one's I've seen):

1. Have numbers stamped near the intakes (on the bottom)
2. Have micro, knife edge cut valve seats
3. Have mirror polished ports (both intake and exhaust) 
 Later heads have a smooth intake, but unpolished as much...
4. The head gasket surfaces AND rocker box surfaces 
are both surface ground (parallel)
for straightness and squareness

4 Gallon

This thing started right up after sittin' 3 1/2 months in the cold, with temps below freezing most of the time.  I looked all over for the battery that goes in it.  Not near the Battery Tender with the others - and then I realized I forgot to take it out !  Shit !  It's a 5+ year old acid-type battery, and it hasn't given up yet, since it had 12.2 volts and started the bike.  It's life is helped by the Cycle Electric DG5000 and a steady 13.5 pretty much all the time.  My 4 gallon tank is ready for fuel - and I'm ready for a road trip - but we should all be sittin' tight for now.  

Low Compression

Click Photo for Large Image

A guy needs about 6.5:1 Compression to run the total shit fuel produced by these places.  (no offense to any ethanol workers out there)  The "pot life" to that 86/87 is about 2 weeks and it's dead.  My lawnmower didn't want to run with that crap...

Outside Oilers

I guess the reasoning was to keep the oil cooler and prevent the oil from gettin' all hot, and fried all over the top end as it was pumped up through the hot cylinders?  You take those old panheads apart, and the non-detergent oil is burnt all over everything... It worked.


The Search Box (IN THE UPPER LEFT) has a Magnifying Glass:

1. Type a search term or word of interest in the BOX
 2.  Click the magnifying glass
3. All posts of your interest will show up . . Magic !

Common search word examples are:

love cycles
mama tried
sturgis or rockford or davenport
hwy 44
church or ftwco
S&S Cycle
Super B or GBL
drags or flat track
spearfish or deadwood
babe or chic
TECH (for technical related posts)

. . . you get the picture

My Mama Tried Submission for 2020

This ol' K is just the best bike.  Not quite ready for a trike . . . 
Over back-roads or big-city streets - it's just neat.
Concrete or across the grass . . .
It's nothin' fast . . 
A postponement just for now . . .
You'll get to see it soon enough - anyhow . . 
So for now - just lay low . . 
The future holds many places to go.

At least it has TWO WHEELS

The Cedar River came up a bit with all the snow melt (in 2 days) - and now we're getting some heavy rain to wash all the salt and sand down the drain . . . I don't talk about it much, but the last 3 years, I've been into "fitness" and health and eating right and all that terrible crap.  I sure feel a lot better, but it takes commitment for sure.   I've been tryin' to dial in my new Fezzari bicycle - and with all these new Iowa trails everywhere - maybe get back out there and do some single-track?

It's like a Ferrari . . . But with ZZZZZZs . . . !

Bound for ????

( Click Photo for LARGE View )

Hopefully, I'll be able to pack this thing up again this year - and ride someplace ?  1. We need to get through this virus deal - and 2. The weather needs to straighten out.  I'm pretty sure #2 will happen eventually - but #1 will need everyone to work together, since all the fun things we do rely on other people to make them happen - and without everyone - it won't matter that you live in a rural farmhouse, or Montana wilderness . . . it's just gonna suck.  So do your part - stay away from people for a bit, hole it at home, bust out Easyrider (and watch it again).  Crack that old bottle of wine you 'been saving . .  Call all your long lost relatives and friends you never talk to . . . and just hold-the-line
for a month - and maybe it will all go away (along with your savings account)??

Hey, some of the best times of your life is when you had no money, but you had an Ironhead Sportster or a Honda 350 chopper - and all you did was ride ride ride - and your bed roll was it.  You roughed it and didn't know any better.  At least we still know how to do it if necessary.

Stay safe - and I'll try to post some most stuff to ward off boredom . . . -Noot


This is the invitation to the show...pretty neat.  It came in this heavy-duty box, all rolled up with one of those press-seal stamp deals (kinda like a Roman document).  It's a good time - and probably the best bike show I've ever been to.  It's the 7th year for the show.  I was lucky enough to have a bike in the 1st show back in 2014.  There's a VIMEO Video for the first show and I'm in it...they came to my dad's garage and did a filming and interview deal.

#94 George Roeder


A friend of mine gave me this old Cycle World magazine, so I framed it.  Neat picture of ol' George Roeder sliding in.... His son still has the bike and runs it for exhibition from time to time...
Great shot !