Tom Kelly

Original art at my house . . .


Read the book - Watch the movie

de Cosmo'n

All cosmoline can be removed more easily by:
- soak with WD-40
- heat part slightly
- wipe with shop towel
- blow off excess with compressed air (away from you)
- clean in parts washer
- blow dry
The old style, one-piece oil ring is a thing of beauty ain't it ?

Wide World of Sports

Tarabanko . . . the greatest of motorcycle ice racers.  Howard Cosell would announce the action - it was a wonderful and exciting way to spend a cold winter day watching races.

Steve Morehead and __________________

Randy Goss? nope . . .
Randy Texter? no (but, good guess with the 65)
Randy Renfrow? no (but, another good guess with Team Honda)
Randy Green?  Yes - National Number 65W

Tim Bender

Bender could hang off a sled with style.  You could tell it was Bender just the way he threw that thing into the corners.  He was very innovative - and experimental with his race sleds.  Often out front . . . a very tough competitor.  Still active in the sport . . .  
Proudly sponsored by Olav Aaen . . . (one smart Swiss dude . . . )

Scott Parker

Indy Mile, just concentrate and win that No. 1 plate.  
D's Leathers from Dee Johnson (Randy Goss's mom-in-law)
Autographs, promotions, money . . .
He's just tryin' to make a livin' at this.

BMXA 1978

I remember buying this issue at Red Owl.  Took my Murray (Stingray copy) and we welded gussets, double clamp, knobbies, made the Bendix a freewheel, Avocet saddle, fluted post, KKTs . . . I was radder than most.  Me and my brother promoted races, our track, our rules . . . we won most of them - a fixed deal for sure . . . (now I'll get back to work)

NOS is New Old Stock

So my friend Chad asks if i can go through his Harley 45 engine.  He's got all the parts . . . hey - I say no problem.  He shows up with original HD stuff, still in the boxes.  Still in this hardened wax-like stuff.  Cosmo grease everywhere.  It takes like time to get the shit off . . . we're talkin' goo city here.  But, the pistons and valves look so nice.  Original Harley-Davidson parts.  Back when steel was steel and quality mattered.  If you can - buy NOS.  It's usually better.  Oh, Save The Boxes (he told me twice)

Exhaust Pipe Clamp . . .

. . . not needed on UL models.

In my youth . . . glory days of Sno Pro

. . . I wanted to be a professional snowmobile racer.  My dad was a tuner and wrench for a very successful local racer, and they started me racing the Junior classes.  From 1978-1982 I traveled and raced the USSA aand WSRF (World Snowmobile Racing Federation) Central Division.  Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakotas, Illinois and Central Canada. Over 3 years, I won almost every race I entered. Placed 2nd a few times.  5th once.  And blew an engine while leading a championship race. My heros were names like Thorson, Hulings, Dimmerman, Bunke, Elsner, Villeneuve, Donahue, The Deckers, Rosenquest and Levac.  I would go down early in the mornings and watch as the pro teams in their matching race suits used tiny cranes to lower the race sleds from fancy semi trailers.  The ice ovals were fresh clean ice.  Carbides were being sharpened.  I'd get a hot Dr. Pepper and report back to our rough lookin', copper color, camper school bus we traveled in.  The "Brown Donkey" it was accurately named.  It was Friday morning.  Other kids were in school.  I had the day off.  I was 15 years old and a raced Yamahas on ice in front of crowds of people.  All was good. 

Morty's concerned . . .

I thought she said "No more motorcycle parts in the house . . ! ?"

Out and back . . .

. . . on the kitty cat.  Need more snow for lube (or a can o' silicone in your pocket to shoot on the track every so often)  Saw a big jack rabbit - we waved at each other and went about our business.  The river had some sketchy ice . . . but, the surface is fast.

Tech Tip by Watson

This method also works with some shafts (if they are soft enough) and many other applications. 

Hot Rods, Bikes, Babes, Guns, Etc . . .

Got my 16 episode series of Fastlane and watched a couple already.  I remember when it aired . . . and ya'll know how much I just love Tiffani Amber Thiessen !

Found it . . .

I've been lookin' through all my old magazines for a chop with a Bosch regulator (got 'em on the brain for some reason) . . .
Finally found one !

Love Thy Knuckle . . .

oh . . . and Love Thy High Life !

Cool Tools

I really like when you have a cool tool that will do the job for you.  You see more broken ears on tappet blocks (from careless mechanics with screw drivers).  McFarland made this neat tool a few years back that threads on the block - and then a bolt presses on the adjuster (with a cam installed under the roller lifter) and pulls the block out.  You can use the tool to install the block too.  Just thread on the tappet block all the way down, remove bolt from tool, and tap in with a rubber mallet.  You might get it close to the case and then thread in some screws and check it - make sure it's straight. 

Here's to you . . .

Elaine Robinson
Berkeley Graduate
Married a track star in the "Plastics" industry . . .

Make it two yards . . . Mother * * * * * r

and we got us an automobile race !
( The best line in the movie ) 

Primary Chain Shoe

If you need a new Primary Chain Shoe for your Sporty . . . Get the ones from your local Harley-Davidson shop.  The black ones are better.  They are a bit longer than the aftermarket "white" ones (which are too short).  The short, white ones don't have enough length - and the steel, clamp deal that holds them on can't quite grab enough meat to adequately hold it on.  I still kinda glue the shoe on with some "Right Stuff" before I clamp it for extra insurance.  Don't run your chain too tight either (especially with a new shoe), since the plastic shavings will just clog up the oil passages in your counter shaft and door bearings.  I run the 75W Bel-Ray Gear Oil.  It's a nice red color (and when it turns black, time to change it !)

Clip & Save

Both these swaps are real good.  Great organization, great people . . . the way a swap should be . . .
More Parts - Less Crap


Trying to make a "I call them Tom Fugle Front Ends" is more work than it looks.  
First you have to hack all the mounts off the lower legs.
Then make a fixture to turn them down in a lathe.
Then sand and polish.
Turn the axle for 5/8" bearings.
Hack up the lower tree.
Have your buddy mill a flat for headlight bracket.
Hack Up sand and polish upper tree.
Make wheel spacers.
Assemble and Disassemble about 4 or 5 times.
More fuckin' around.
Then fuck around some more.
Now you have no brake - and no place to put a fender.
I like it !

Does Howdy Doody got wooden balls, man . . ?

Up in Smoke was on . . . so I . . . 
Lapped some races . . . 
Worked some cases . . .
Teeth ain't got braces . . .
Got green shoe laces . . .