He started it . . .

. . . and it really blew up into a huge deal.  I'm excited to see the flat track racing at the original fairgrounds track coming back.  Races starting Thursday and going about everyday through the entire week - and that doesn't even include the Pro 1/2 Mile at Rapid City or the Jackpine Gypsie Short Track or the Buffalo Chip Pro TT or Hooligan.  That's 12+ days of flat track racing, and you can't be at all of 'em.  Plus there's the hillclimb events, drag racing and motocross events.  Racing is what made the Black Hills Rally - and it's back stronger than ever.  Pappy would be happy !

The Nicest DC Linkert

It's just really damn nice.  Everything on it is tight and correct.  I did find where the No.4 Main Jet has been silver soldered shut, and redrilled.  Hmmm?  When I held it up and compared to the stock No.4 jet, I couldn't really see any difference.  I tried some small check pins and it appears to be just slightly smaller hole in the jet (which would make sense) or you would just drill it larger.  I set all the initial settings as it says "in the book."  I added the bowl spacer, and longer bowl screws.  Float height set as stock. 

A Nervous Wreck !

There's nothing more nerve-racking than ordering a set of special order pistons . . . especially when they'll run in rare, vintage Axtell cylinders . . . and there's probably NO RETURNS on the pistons?  I came up with some special bolts to get the cylinder properly mounted to the boring table.
They require +.005 to +.007 running clearances (measured at the bottom of skirt) and Venolia normally figures the clearance into the piston size.  I requested my specific piston size, I wanted a standard manufactured ring size (in case he just needs to re-ring it sometime?) and I requested the rings come with the newer style Hastings 3-piece oil ring.  Cast compression rings.  The boring came out successfully (no other option on this one) - now just hone for fitment.  I'll probably give 'em a heavy 6 thou . . . he can break it in easy - and good warm-ups from then on . . .

1954 Project

I should call it "The Rum Runner" since many parts came from Panama?  To fit a magneto you must clearance the relay boss, front cylinder and cooling fins on the front head.  My pistons weren't coming high-enough in my bore(low compression), so I had McFarland turn some off the base.
This is better
These are NOS S&S Pistons I've been saving (+.010)
I sanded off the edges and rough spots . . .

Black Hills Rally Headbangin'

After a day of riding the hills, a half-mile, maybe a TT, top fuel drags, a ride with Cycle Source, or just hangin' out . . . this place always puts up different music to end the night. 
I'll probably be checkin' these out?
Bush (a free show at The Ironhorse Saloon)
Guild of Ages can really rock at One Eye'd Jacks ! (no cover)
Legendary axe man Pat Travers will blister The Full Throttle !
Tanya Tucker at Shade Valley - bring your spurs baby.
Powerman 5000 
 Can you handle it ?  at The Ironhorse (freebie show)
Jasmine Cain and her band at The Knuckle !  Free show . . .

Old Sportster Parts

I found this DC choke mechanism in my stash.  The ball-detent on my current set up is all rounded off - and this one looks better.
I found more parts I needed . . . I think I'll try the DC-11 after all.  What the heck.
I bolted on the "early early buddy seat" for extra comfort.  This is the first version of this shape - made with the silver strip, smooth top and steel "V" grab rail.


If you're gonna rebuild a DC Linkert . . . it may as well be a DC-11.  Reliable sources say these came standard on all the DC equipped Harley XLR model race bikes.  I've measured and compared absolutely everything, comparing it to standard DC Linkerts, and I can't find anything different yet?Maybe just a standard DC replacement to do whatever your little heart desires?????  Hmmm?

Lil' Chris' Michael Lichter Entry: Sturgis 2017

The show at Buffalo Chip this year features guys that ain't been on earth as long as the rest of us. 
Young dudes building classic iron. Chris totally fab'd out his WL for the show.  He's is a skilled metal craftsman . . hand forming the tanks and sheet metal.  Building from scratch.  It's a true classic with a timeless look, and a bit of performance innovation.  Is that Posa or Lectron?  Holy shit.  Classic paint too Pirellis . . . I really dig it dude.  He studies the history and development of all things custom, and utilizes his skills to create rides worthy of any top builder. 

PS. Yes, this is the same Lil Chris who's stroker Sportster I been workin' on.  Everything he's got is kinda rad.  Can't leave nothin' stock.

Def Leppard: Overture 1980

In 1982, we rented a van and drove to see Def Leppard (new to America) and witness a real British metal band who jammed so tight - and totally rocked our asses off.  Often times when I hear this music again, it saddens me - to remember those days and those songs . . . and to see my youth slowly slipping away.

So get out those records and jam out, as time never stops . . .
and Have a great weekend !

John Tibben Wins The Northstar !

1972 was a great year for dirt trackin' in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois.  Tibben with his rather unorthodox style, sorta side saddle, left leg bent and out, bars pulled back and low . . . hey, it worked !

Light of the storm . . .

Drove out to the Floyd County Fair last night for the truck/tractor pull.  There was weird sunlight for a few minutes from humidity and heat . . . livin' in Iowa.  Makes the corn grow.

1961 KR750

I need to make one of those air cleaners . . . and I've never seen a front tire like that (in person) in all my years of swap meets, etc.  Only in photos.

5 Bolts, Pull the Axle - The wheel is off . . .

 . . . that's fast.  Probably one of Harley's best design features.  The chain & brake drum stay on, and you hardly get greasy.  Like changin' the wheel on your car.  The problem is getting the bike in the air.  I supposed I could rig up a rear-center-stand, but it might look weird?
I break these things down with irons . . . so I can experience another aspect of motorcycling (other than just pushing a button, or writing a check, or swiping a card).
The 18" Kelsey Hays Steel Sportster rim has served me well on this rigid.  They take more abuse on rough roads and stay true.  I run 25-32 lbs of pressure and just take the hits.  Lower pressures can create too much heat on a hot day. 
I knocked off the "spoke type" lead wheel weights (which I prefer over stick-ons).  I checked all the spokes and trued it up a touch . . . ready for computer spin balancing.  My tube is a 1940s army issue heavy-duty tube for a Harley WLA.  It's thick rubber, still pliable, nothing wrong with it.  When you blow it up by itself, it's just so true - no bulges, not sucked in spots (you know what I mean?) I really hate to swap it for a Taiwan tube.  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I run the late-model, size large, juice rear brake on this rigid.  Original Bendix backing plate, and I try to keep it "all Harley" the best I can.  It works very well - and you need some stopping power when it's your only brake.  Keep it clean.  Keep it serviced.  Frame pinstripes cost extra.

Buddy Seat Bonanza

If everyone would run a buddy seat on their motorcycle, all the aftermarket seat companies will be out-of-business. #mostcomfortablemotorcycleseatevermade

Snooping around on the streamliner . . .

 Hmmmm?  Long reach plugs. 
Heads plumbed for external oil drain lines.
 1C10506H0 means 1970XR cases I think?
I've noticed many of the actual H-D Race Team engines have serial
numbers that start with "5" (or have a 5 in there somewhere)
I don't believe this is the original motor that went the distance . . . but it's got some rare parts, cases, heads, carb, etc . . .  I looked in and saw the seat where Cal sat . . . and the handlebars that come apart with one bolt to help you get in . . . just like On Any Sunday.  My whole $9.00 admission charge(regularly $10.00, but I used my AMA card to get a $1 discount) was spent looking at this thing.  The pipes were falling off . . .

More Meltdown Drag pics . . .

Drag Racing makes America the greatest place to live.  Bringing back the glory days of real Detroit muscle machines.

 The Chizler

 Jet Powered track dryer (don't wear your sandals) and watch your toes !
Best Tow Vehicle Award