Buco story . . .

I was in an antique store (I think in Cedar Falls/Waterloo, Iowa area?) and was flippin' through a clothes rack.  On the far edge of the rack hung a weathered cycle-champ style police jacket.  I picked it off the rack - it was heavy as hell.  I noticed it had a set of keys in the pocket.  The tag read BUCO.  I asked the clerk how much? (no tag) and she hadn't seen that coat in the store.  Huh?  Where did it come from?  I tried it on, and it fit great !  Then a girl walked in, with me holding the coat - and said, "Thanks !"  She was about 6 feet tall and kinda built (but in the right places, if you know what I mean?)  She helped her friend load a table bought from the store, and hung it on the edge of the rack.  She had good taste in jackets . . her perfume stayed on me for awhile, which was kinda cool since it smelled great !


Anonymous said...

I don't recall a full set of leather Buco's that look like the ones pictured. But believe me if I had and they fit like the ones being
worn by that young lady, it would be etched into my memory.

Bastard said...

Ah yes, Spring is in the air..

On a technical note, have you ever used candle wax on stuck bolts or fittings? At the age of 69 I tried for the 1st time this trick on a bleeder screw on a banana caliper... Butane torch providing heat, thermal shocking with water from time to time...I wicked the wax on the bleeder...Dang after 1/2 hour of fiddling, it started to move....I've NEVER EVER been able to get a stuck bleed out of these calipers....Only EDM has worked....

Noot said...

Why bleeder screws get over tightened ? I've never seen one leak anyway. I've fixed them with that "oversized adapter deal" and the bleeder screws into that, but they are a bitch for sure. Hot wax will make anything jump !