45 Lower End - To be continued . . .

This will be a very nice motor for Chad's buddy . . .

American Original

I toured the SPAM Museum on Saturday in Austin, Minnesota.  Funny, Huh?  It's a free tour about the history of the Hormel Co. (founded by George Hormel - and Austin resident.) Actually, it did something for me - which was unexpected.  This tour opened my eyes to what makes this country so great - and what we've lost too.  Hormel supported this nation through depressions, wars, thru good and bad times.  Their stock has split like 6 or 7 times.  They just purchased Skippy - and it went up again.  They have over 4000 employees.  The company reminds me of Harley-Davidson Motor Co.  Hormel has diversified over the years, where Harley - not as much.  I think Harley needs to take a look at Hormel . . . and diversify a bit more.  To remain "an American Original" . . . you have to come up with something "original" - your own idea, not just what everyone else is doing.  We made some Spam for breakfast.  I bought the Spam Lite, and it's still rather high in cholesterol and fat - and sodium.  But - delicious !  Fried !  It's American !

NOTE:  Above Cheryl is timed to package 6 cans of SPAM . . . and then it let's you know how many cans are produced in production in the same time period.  532 cans to her 6 . . . Did you know that SPAM comes from the two words Spiced and Ham?  See Wikipedia for more information on the Hormel Co.

Rims & Tint . . .

I'm thinkin' this look sometime . . . 
He told me the size, offset and all that jazz.

Harley 45 Motor

Clapper's Restoration did the chassis, paint . . . the hard part.  I'm just doing the motor (easy part).  Big Noot trued up the flywheels so perfecto - nary a wiggle in needle.  Line Lapping the races - this baby will be smooth.  Another WL will soon bring joy and happiness to it's owner. 

HOT DATES . . . (on my Too-Doo List)

May 4th
Vintage Iron Show & Swap
see: vintageironshow.blogspot.com
I call it Ricky's Show . . .
Platte City, Mo (@ old Fairgrounds - so cool)

May 26th
The Memorial Day Weekend Running
of the
Springfield Mile
Springfield, IL

June 8th
J&P Cycles Vintage Motorcycle
Show & Swap
Anamosa, Iowa
. . . . then keep on truckin' to the
Yuba, Wisconsin
for camping, fellowship and to party !

June 14th and 15th
Viking Chapter Swap Meet and Show
St. Paul Fairgrounds
St. Paul, Minnesota

June 29th
in Sunny So. Cal
This would be a dream for me to go to this . . .
but, I just don't have enough vacation this year.
If I keep doing motors, and work really hard -
It's definitely in my future -
Plus, CD said he'd give me the full tour !

July 13th
Full Tilt Chopper Show
at the Tavern on the Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota

July 27th
Hood Bush
Milwaukee, WI
(I'm a little scared to go to this)

Colorado Tribute Ride !

For Rich, Part-Timer Steve and all other motorcycle enthusiast from the great state of Colorado . . . I saw your weather (major snow) on the news this morning - so, (even at 34 degrees in Iowa) - I rode my bike to work - just because you can't or shouldn't . . . . But, you probably did anyway . . .

Destroy & Rebuild . . .

The kicker cover for our '59CH Project is repaired.  Pat did the excellent welding and MFMCo, McFarland Machine & Co. aligned and bored for a perfect fitment.  This is actually a 1952 / early 1953 K Model sprocket cover identified by the extra "boss" on the backside of the worm, and a few casting numbers.  Now, it's ready to kick-through those (minus minus cams) . . . .

Old 4 Speed . . .

The Cycle Nazi runs one of the older 4 speed cases I seen . . . it's been to hell and back over the years with aluminum and JB welds everywhere.  His kicker might have been slipping due to the fact his bushing was incorrectly installed (gears couldn't mesh) and the pin was sheared.  It needs new kicker gears, a little more welding, some glyptal and gasket kit - and it will match his rebuilt '49 mill . . .
Ahhhhh, the smell of old gear lube !

Busy as a Beaver on Kenyan Coffee

From the top . . .
Mac's 40th was fun !  Mitch rocked, saw a lot o' old friends. 
Cedar Rapids Swap was cold, but lot's o' cool stuff !
I'm legal !  Got my license plate !
(I feel like the guy from the Choppertown Movie !)
Down to a solid 196 from a flabby 213 !
283 Build proceeding as planned.
Talked to John Wells (Prez of Torque) One cool cat . . .
Go see Torquefest if you never have . . . 
Benassi's Cat-Eyes - Clapper did a nice job !
Morty says, Yeah, it shifts - Now go to bed . . .
Oil pump redo . . . looks good to me.  High volume would
just make it leak and smoke anyways . . .
Sifton 412 for $10.00 
Schwinn part - saved from the crusher
Cheryl learning the 6 string !
(Art by Pacman - One of my favorite pinstripers and lettermen)
Gotta stripe her guitar like this !

Do Yourself a Favor . . .

. . . and go see a flat track motorcycle race this Summer.  It doesn't have to be a pro event.  Go see an amateur event.  Pay for a ticket and pay tribute to anyone brave and talented enough to prepare their own machine and strap on a steel shoe to go fast in a circle.  You'll be glad you did !

Cedar Rapids Swap Meet

Here in Iowa every Spring and Fall - The auto swap meet at Hawkeye Downs is a good place to find cheap "motorcycle parts" . . . Yes, just like Jefferson last year.  I find some of my best deals at auto swap meets.  They have parts in two rows all the way around this asphalt track . . . and all over the grounds.  Bring your stocking hat and gloves - it's only gonna be 40, maybe 50?

Not Bad . . .

I mean . . . this is freakin' Bad Ass !


Every time I consider selling one of my motorcycles, I see a photo that makes me shake my head no again . . How did I get so attached to this sum of parts which make noise and take my money?????
They are just too fun and cool to have around . . .


 . . . To get a NON-STOP TICKET TO NOWHERE . . .
to go see Faster Pussycat just back from BABYLON . . .
You see - I saw the gig poster . . .
and some graffiti . . . "For a Good Time Call" POISON IVY . . .
So, unless YOU'RE SO VAIN . . .
and go see Taime rock it at
The Reverb in Waterloo, Iowa this Sunday Nite !
( Come and have a drink with me . . . When else will you get to see a hard livin' rock band that's pretty shot from all those hard livin' rockin' years? - Fuckin' Aye ! )

the California Cruiser

Check out the feature on this build at MC Art (click on side link) that Chris Kallas posted on his totally righteous blog . . . with all things historically chopperiffic !

Stress relief . . .

I like all my Roth Books . . . it's fun to paint and draw kids !

Sprocket Seal Tool

McFarland's custom tool works great and makes this job easy.  Presses in the seal nice and straight when used with the proper extension and spinner wrench.  He made it with an aluminum nose and a steel insert, so you don't risk damaging the seal or the tool on either end.  Neato !


Got my carb on . . . Starts, Runs, Pops, Hesitates and then . . . 
Totally gets Down and Kicks Ass Like It Should !