Weeery Traveler . . . .

This guy from New York stopped by to ask directions from my "Sturgis Landlord" and . . . man was his bike loaded ! Obviously, he had a bed mattress, canteen, tools, all sorts of packs and bags - lots o' stuff. His motorcycle never shut off for the 20 minutes they talked. It's motor running - tick tick tick tick tick tick like a sewing machine. Oil spewing from most of it's gaskets. Steam rolling off. All the way from New York. He gets my respect.


I found this old Custom Chrome box the other day in a pile of parts. That company wasn't bad back in the day - now, I don't know what to think of them - a bunch of junk mostly.

Not very dangerous . . .

Coming soon: Peoria, Indy, Davenport and Springfield !

Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

They never really did do much with bicycles . . . but, their motorcycles aren't too bad (at least the old ones).

Don't Mess with Texas

My new buddy Jason, from the great state of Texas, built(and restored) this totally rad ironhead. Many of the parts were from his dad - who bought the stuff back-in-the-day from Arlen himself. Nice job !


Thank You !

She gave me a free, cold one . . .

Bacon's ol' man . . .

This guy is one very cool Canadian. He's also quite the horseman - and his kid Daniel builds bitchin' knuckles.
I hope to see him again next year . . .

6 Years

I just heard Billy Lane got sentenced today - Aug. 14th, 2009.

Damn Scooters . . .

Samantha Morgan

I had almost forgot Samantha Morgan was gone - until I saw this tribute last week. I met her once with Goth Girl in Sturgis at Lavallee & Spina's paint booth, and saw her ride many times. The first time I saw her ride the "Wall of Death", I just couldn't believe her skill. She could ride a motorcycle. We talked for a minute or so . . . but, we kept getting interrupted because everyone knew her, they were friends from all over - a true VIP. When I heard she was sick and had passed - I was taken aback a little - 'cause she seemed so invincible. I saw the "Wall" crew in Davenport this spring - and said hello to Jay . . . (who's had his own bout with health problems). It's a rough life on the road riding the wall - but, they will always be our true heros - in life and in death.

Engines: Many ways to do it . . .

Almost anybody can build a custom bike - but, not just anyone can build their motor too. Randy Smith would be proud - good job Brew !


Spina checks out the pool situation at County Line . . . quite refreshing. Just have a seat and a busty babe will swing by and take your drink order - damn !

Competition Engineering - Sturgis, SD

Stopped in to see Cole and the boys - what a place ! Pre-1929 Harleys, Indians, Popes, Cyclones - totally cool. A very professionally run operation. Museum and collectibles up front - and high end restorations and machine shop in the back. I saw the "Wheels Through Time" rig parked out back and realized - Hey, this is the place they told me about. I could work here !?!?

Sturgis Shots . . .

Nashville Pussy Rocks !
Spina's Place (for the week)
Maybe someday . . ?
Carr & Kenny get ready !

Sturgis 2009 - Done Deal

The Black Hills Rally is that special time of year when everyone gets together. Friends meet up to party, check out the bikes, the babes, eat some grub, go to the races, ride the hills . . . and camp out. Cool shit. My lil' Sporty digger got selected at The Horse Show . . . I helped Chris Carr and crew for a bit at the 1/2 mile . . . hung with Spina and the gang for a few days (that was classic) . . . got to shoot-the-shit with Bacon and Bill Dodge, Negotiable Tim ain't changed one bit . . .and even took a day to go with Big Noot and crew through Spearfish Canyon - awesome ride ! Everything went great - the week was just too short. More pics later . . .

38th time in Sturgis . . .

I think it's been like 38 years Noot has been going to Sturgis. He usually rides straight out - but, when the bikes weren't as good - 2 days was the plan. One year they stopped for gas and some young kid came screamin' up on his Sporty - "Hey, you guys goin' out to the rally?" Can I go with you . . .? Sure kid, go get your stuff. That night they camped and drank whiskey . . . the sun rose - it was time to go. This young dude was still in his tent - so they fired up a bike and he came tumbling out with his pajamas on - huh? WTF? Funny story. I guess they rode lil' harder on day two - and the kid's headlight just kept getting smaller and smaller in the mirrors. See you all at the 69th !


Sweet Corn is ready !

Ricky Graham

As long as I'm on this big flat-track kick lately . . . I'd better say somethin' about Ricky 'G'. He was a big rival to all the top riders. He rode a Harley, then Honda, then Harley, then Honda . . . whoever would pay the bills - Graham was there. A California rider all the way. Graham was aggressive, and like Chris Carr once said, "When Ricky was at his best, he was the best that's ever been." Cool quote. I'd watch the great one, Scott Parker, get so frustrated when he couldn't beat Graham. On a mile watching Graham race will always stick in my mind - and the full straightaway wheelies ! He was a multiple National Champion No.1, holds records for most wins in a season, and most wins in a row . . . and many other individual records. He tragically died in a house fire, but every flat track fan will never forget
the legend of Ricky Graham.

Black Hills 1/2 Mile

If you're in Sturgis next week - get your ass over to Rapid City for the National on Tuesday Night. Rapid has a neat old salvage yard with old cars and bikes (with an auto museum in the middle of the junk yard) The 2010 Harleys are at the Civic Center. Make a day of it - races at night on old Hwy 44 (like you're goin' to the badlands) . . . See you there - Noot

Chi Town Hustler

Fire in Cedar Falls

The "Night of Fire" is always a good time to go check out the local strip. They've got one of everything. A wide range of Jets, Top Fuel, Vintage, Wheel Standers, Harleys, Sleds . . . hell, a guy even tried to blow himself up. The Chevy Rebellion - a VW truck was pretty cool - sparks all the way at 130mph. The night air brought moisture up and made the track a little greasy . . . making it hard for the drivers - except this dude in the jet car that went 270mph. On the way back at midnight - I didn't hit one single bug . . . Weird????