Paul's Stash . . .

32E, 52K . . .  I really dig vintage electrical.  
If you got 6 volt - let me know - I got connections !

Motor Theft Averted

Good Boy !  

Linkerts for scrap . . .

With the price of brass, magnesium and copper . . . they were melting these M5s and DCs . . . (just seeing if Matt O. ever looks at my blog???)  Hey Matt !

Gordy's stash . . .

It's fun to see the collections of others with a common interest.  He's been collecting stuff since his teenage years . . . and it's still piling up.  Dude, get that XLCH down off the shelf !  

Steel Toe Brewing

Went to the cities again this weekend to deliver a Knuck' - pick up another Knuck' - hang wit my peeps - czech out some parts - and git some brew.  Brew you say?  The best brew is Steel Toe.  Jason is the Brewmaster.  The guy.  The brains of da outfit.  You dig?  So, take it from me.  Next time you hit the cities, you just gotta make the call to: Ph: 952-955-9965 and stop by to git yerself a growler full o' suds.  Good stuff.  Give you a whole new outlook on life.  His new barley-wine is currently being aged in real Templeton whiskey barrels.  It will be ready soon.  Are you ready?  Of coarse yer ready . .
Steel Toe Brewing
4848 W. 35th - St. Louis Park, MN

Interview Part 1: Jeff Hawbaker

I ran over to my friend Jeff's place last night to get a thrust washer - and as he dug through a well-organized parts stash . . . you couldn't help but notice walls filled with plaques and trophies from more than one form of motorcycle racing - or another.  National drag racing records.  Flat track and ice racing victories.  Season points championships.  Jeff has always reminded me a bit of a Dick Mann, since he builds what he races.  Jeff is his own main sponsor.  He's the tuner.  The builder.  He drives the van or the truck, then races the bikes, waits 'til the 11:00pm payout and drives home.  I've known him to travel to races by himself more than once.
For the love of the sport - he loves to ride.

"Bake's" latest project is actually his street bike.  An FLHX "sleeper."  Now, you can ask anyone around here about "Bake" and his engines - and you'll basically hear the same answer.  Hawbaker?  You know whatever motorcycle he's riding ain't stock, and it's fast.  If you can beat him today, which you probably can't.  You won't win the next time you race.  His only goal is to finish "First."  At age (48? 49?), when most racers are content to stick with one form of racing or retire altogether - not Jeff.  "As long as I got the tools and can still do it- and have some fun - I'm doing it."  Something on that order.

Can I ask you some questions?
JH - "About what . . . ?"
Maybe do like a rider-interview type o' deal?
JH - "You pretty much know everything Richie." (he calls me Richie 'cause I got like 20 nicknames)
What motorcycles have you owned?
JH - FZR1000, V-Max, Sportster XLX, ZX-10, 450s, XLs, XRs, TTs, etc etc
(and all the above with stroker cranks, big bores, I'm totally serious)
Best places to race?
JH - "Stockton, Kansas - awesome, 4 races in 4 nights.  I like any big, fast track - really."
Greatest racing achievement?
JH - "An AMRA National Record . . . maybe a couple Davenport wins?"
Worst Crash?
JH - "Which one . . . ?"
This part ends here - but, the racing hasn't.  The motivation is still there - probably always will be.  Jeff is fairly modest.  I think we got most of it?  He worked for my dad at Noot's Custom Cycles for years - and pretty much ran the backroom.  We had a lot of fun doing crazy stuff on bikes - things you just can't get away with anymore.  It makes you smarter.  More seasoned.  He's now mentioned with other veterans of the sport.

Interview Part 2: Jeff Hawbaker

Jeff didn't seem real interested about the past . . . what he really wanted to talk about was this new motor he's building for his street bike !  I keep telling him about Pat Lehman, from Rochester HD.  Pat this, Pat that . . . Pat is their performance guru . . . etc.  Partially for Pat's benefit:  Let's Bench Race Baggers !
Bake's Latest Project:
Modified Twin Cam Cases with
4 5/8 Stroke X 4 1/4" bore (you figure the cubes)
Nikasil Cylinders (no sleeves please)
HD Hurricane Heads (with secret port job)
62mm Throttle Body (358cfm)
S&S Roller Rockers
Woods Directional Lifters
Really Cool Pistons !
He'll put it all together, then plan to follow him . . .
Not just anyone can build these motors - 
but, from Hawbaker . . ?  What did you expect !?!
(PS. Thanks for the thrust washer . . .)

Black Cases . . .

. . . win races !
It also covers up a lot of imperfections . . .

Squirrels . . .

. . . like to hide their nuts.  WTF?

Dedication . . .

Went for a gravel-road-run Sunday morning.  I just had to get out.  The Army bike was ready.  As I rode around this area of rural Iowa . . . I saw lots of stuff.  Influences.  History.  The ethanol plant is such a joke.  It's good for employment - that's it.  It stands alone - in the corn.  Woods are coming down to make way for more corn.  My Harley 45 snubs it's tail pipe at the plant - It can run on a mixture of diluted gasoline, naptha and water.  Modern times are not always the best-of-times.

I dedicated my morning ride to a woman named Laura Seaton.  She's buried in the Floyd Cemetery.  She passed away on March 28th 1887.  Age: 64 years, 8 Months, 18 Days.  I'm sure she was quite a lady.   I realized the importance of getting out and doing some things.  She had a different life.  Possibly a better life than we do?

Squash That Fly . . .

Sean's '68 . . . while he was out on a date . . . I was bustin' ass on this thing.  While everyone else was slammin' brews - I was workin' on everyone's shit . . . While everyone was sittin' at the bar havin' fun . . . I was suckin' solvent, gettin' all greasy, sniffin' brake kleen . . . but, I loved it.  For now anyway . . . 'til my own shit starts breakin' . . . and I wanna ride.

The Action is Go . . .

Gordy's other '38 . . . ain't it great? 

Faye Dunaway

Damn.  She was best in Bonnie & Clyde.

More . . . . I.S.A.

Hey, shit happens.  If you don't ride it - It won't break.  What fun is that?  Right Pat?

Roger Reiman

Roger was first a racer, then a Harley dealer . . . but, always a racer.  After he was tragically killed in the BMW Battle of the Legends Series . . . his dealership sold off a bunch of old parts, etc.  I guess there was a gold mine of factory stuff they wheeled out after the auction was officially over.  Rare experimental race parts the boys in Milwaukee had made for Roger to win races with.  He also built and tuned a few XRs for E.K. to jump cars and buses.  Roger was a nice guy.  He was always spotted at Springfield Mile on his high pipes Evo Sporty checking the track.  Long live the legend of R.R. !

Pinion Oil Restrictor

Anyone know . . . does this work?  or can it starve the rods and ruin your K???  They drilled a .090 hole in a left handed screw and threaded into the shaft.  I guess the newer engines restrict the pinion oil supply.

Go Nicole

I never knew she could ride . . . ?