My wife said . . .

"No more motorcycles parts in my new stainless sink . . ." 
(But, this is Jeff's and she's at work)

'52K is back runnin' . . . break-in time

Rake It . .

Another configuration of the same motorcycle . . .

People keep shipping me stuff . . .

Girls Nite Out . . .


Stripper Shampoo

Willie G's idea of wrinkle black cases - this was not designed to come off.  After a hard days work, come home and take a bath of paint stripper, carb cleaner, brake kleen, parts solvent, spray paint and silicone sealer.  I always smell like chemicals . . .

Love Cycles

Jeremiah's got a neat shop.  Just what he wants - and a real swell bro.  I really enjoyed my visit.  If you're ever in Phoenix, check him out on N. 7th Street.  You can't help but like him.  A real genuine builder with Harley vintage chops . . . His shirts are neat too - I've worn this sweatshirt everyday since I got it.  Still a bit brisk here in Iowa !


Smooth Operator

Side valve performance . . .
The "K" is goin' back together !

Skid Lid . . .

Denny be cooler now - he already soooo kool . . .

Mr. D's at Rainbow & Oakey

Hot Cars, Hot Bikes, Hot Bartenderettes(not shown since this blog is PG-13) When in Vegas - go see for yourself !  The owner is originally from Omaha, and super cool . . .

Desert Travels . . .

Way out in the Mojave . . . miles from nowhere.  They press on . . . so cool. (that Merc had the rear window that went up & down - neato)

There ought to be a law . . .

. . . against Non-Detergent Oil !   What a fuckin' mess . . . like black tar.

Yuba, Wisconsin

This place looks quiet.  Not much goin' on . . . . Huh?

more Vintage Mert . . .

He always looks so smooth - everyone else is all over the place !

Skinny Guy - Skinny Bike

He must ride slow at night? Headlight shining on the ground.

Messages . . .

While you were out - A note from the secretary . . .

Camel Pro Series

Scotty, Chris and 
Kevin "Cupcake" (Parker and Springer's nickname for) Atherton
Kevin Atherton and his brother Brian were fast racers.  Their father David ran BSA's for many years and they learned their skills on the tracks of Michigan.  Kevin was a factory racer, but his injuries sidelined a great career.  To finish first, you have to first finish.  Something like that . . . ?

This is . . . 80s Hair Metal

Sean's '68 XLCH"A born again virgin . . .

Ride from Charles City, Iowa . . .

The Knuckle Shuffle - JUNE 1st, 2nd and 3rd

" Call you next time Donnie . . . "

Donnie Smith invited me to the pre-show party and all the fun stuff when I talked to him at the Rochester Show.  Got his cell and everything.  I just had too much to do and couldn't make The D.S. Show..  Got Sean's valves done.  Got Luke's cylinders done.  Got some beer drinkin' done.  Got some sleep too.

Carlisle Vintage Rubber

Spoked up Hux's old 18" sporty rim to a early big twin hub.  Stainless spokes and a tire that's harder than moon rocks . . .

Mert and his Iron XR . . .

. . . a famous photo !

Morty says . . .

" I never touch the stuff . . . "

National No. 44

via Ron Wood . . .
The Norton engine is a beautiful thing.
The street bike wasn't all that good lookin' . . .
It looks best in a flat tracker.

Paul's Stash . . .

32E, 52K . . .  I really dig vintage electrical.  
If you got 6 volt - let me know - I got connections !

Motor Theft Averted

Good Boy !  

Linkerts for scrap . . .

With the price of brass, magnesium and copper . . . they were melting these M5s and DCs . . . (just seeing if Matt O. ever looks at my blog???)  Hey Matt !

Gordy's stash . . .

It's fun to see the collections of others with a common interest.  He's been collecting stuff since his teenage years . . . and it's still piling up.  Dude, get that XLCH down off the shelf !